Art forum


27 Nov 7:00pm 2023

“Neoplanta” is a furious play about the chaos of our identities – are we the West or the East? Central Europe or the Balkans? Pre-capitalist or post-socialist society? Are we nationalists or cosmopolitans? It is also a play about theater itself – is theater politics or is politics theater? An exceptional, brilliant ensemble of the Novi Sad Theater (Ujvideki Szinhaz) in one of the best directions of the great regional director Andraš Urban!

Directed by:Urbán András
Duration: 90 minuta

The production is inspired by Laszlo Vegel’s novel of the same name and real life

Cast: Gabriela Crnković; Blanka Horvat / Emina Elor; Agota Ferenc; Silvia Križan; Fani Dupak / Judit Laslo / Bea Sekelj / Lea Blaško / Agota Siladji; Ištvan Kereši; Daniel Husta; Atila Nemet; Arpad Mesaroš; Zoltan Širmer; Gabor Pongo