Digital Forum

Marija Raspudic-Selak – “War profiteers and deserters became great nationalist leaders”

8 Dec 9:00pm 2021

Marija Selak-Raspudić is a professor of philosophy who, thanks to her sharp mind and sharp language, gained great popularity in Croatia as a regular guest of HRT’s show “Fifth Day”. In the meantime, she supplemented the faculty department with a parliamentary bench, and since 2020 she has been a member of the Most list. At Sarajevo Fest, Selak-Raspudic answers the question of how the war affected the shaping of her and her generation’s views, whether she is a right-winger, as many perceive her, what it means to be a patriot in a predominantly mono-ethnic state like Croatia, and how the Internet and social networks affect attitudes and behavior of all of us.