

Narodno pozorište Sarajevo
20 Sep 5:00pm
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Bertolt Brecht 
Director: Paolo Magelli 
“A Respectable Wedding” belongs to the humorously genius Brecht, an irreconcilable critic of reality, who successfully found a way to protest against modern civilization in an almost completely anarchistic rebellion from the almost nihilistic positions of his youth. His merciless analytical mockery of modern society often reduced man to just four basic functions: eating, fighting, fornication and drinking. And here is our wedding. Petty bourgeois. 
Cast: Ermin Bravo, Gordana Boban, Tatjana Šojić, Sabit Sejdinović, Maja Izetbegović, Dina Mušanović, Muhamed Hadžović, Amar Selimović and Davor Golubović 
Production: Chamber Theater 55